Build your Portfolio to show Brands who you are as a Creator. Portfolios display a variety of content, including Brand collaborations, user-generated creations, and personal photos that reflect your identity, aesthetic, and style. Add content to your portfolio that showcases your expertise and best work. Including an introduction video is another way to enhance your profile, highlight your personality, and stand out for Brands.
Build Your Portfolio
To edit your Portfolio:
- Tap My Profile on the bottom right.
- Tap Edit Portfolio.
- Tap Upload Content to upload photos to your Portfolio.
- Upload content from your camera roll.
- Tap Done to add it to your Portfolio.
- Use
to delete photos.
- Hold down a photo and drag it to rearrange it.
Congratulations, you’ve curated your Portfolio. Edit it as often as you like to keep your content fresh and representative of your best work.
For more support, contact